from a light-touch approach
to intensive digital marketing
Everyone wants to be "at the top of Google" and our clients' websites are built to ensure that is possible. However, that is only one piece of the puzzle and in order to further improve rankings Search Engine Optimisation needs to be employed.
We suggest tackling this in one of two ways, typically starting with the first and, when funds permit, moving on to the second.
light-touch, targeted approach
In order to keep costs down we prefer to make small incremental changes focussing on the areas likely to deliver the most impact. Typically this involves understanding the most relevant search terms you can realistically expect to rank for and ensuring there is sufficient content in the right places on your website to back this up.
We apply the optimisations (or show you how to do this if this is of interest) and wait to see how your website responds in the search engine rankings. We can do this on a one-off basis or regularly as required and typically estimate £300 for each round.
working with our partner
We have a long-standing relationship with David Sparks at Bramble Digital, based in Swindon, Wiltshire and are more than happy to reach out to David on your behalf. David's approach is very in-depth and aims to tackle all aspects of digital marketing on an ongoing basis.
It is a thorough and intensive process which we thoroughly recommend but naturally this does come at a cost, starting from around £750/month. Understandably, this is out of reach for some businesses and why we came up with a more affordable alternative, but this is a good next step when budgets allow.